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initial version
  1. Open SSMS 19.0.1 and connect to the server that hosts the database.

  2. Expand the Object Explorer window and locate the database that contains the tasks you want to handle.

  3. Click on the database to view its contents in the Object Explorer.

  4. Expand the Management folder and right-click on the SQL Server Agent.

  5. Select New and then select the type of task you want to create.

  6. Enter the details of the task and set the schedule.

  7. Click OK to save the task.

  8. To modify an existing task, right-click on the task and select Modify.

  9. Edit the task details and schedule as required.

  10. Click OK to save the changes.

  11. To delete a task, right-click on the task and select Delete.

  12. Click OK to confirm the deletion.