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There are several ways to debug a 404 error when deploying a Next.js app on AWS Amplify:

  1. Check if the routes are correctly configured in your Next.js app. Make sure you're using the correct file names and paths for your pages.

  2. Verify that your pages are correctly exported in your Next.js app. Check if you're exporting each page as a named export.

  3. Check the build configuration for your app in the Amplify console. Ensure that you're building your app for production and that your source directory and build command are correct.

  4. Make sure that your app is using the correct version of Node.js. Check the Node.js version specified in your package.json file.

  5. Verify that your Amplify deployment is successful by checking the build logs and deployment logs in the Amplify console. If there are any errors, these logs will provide more detailed information on what went wrong.

  6. If the 404 error persists, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies, or try accessing your app from a different browser.

With these steps, you should be able to resolve the 404 error when deploying a Next.js app on AWS Amplify.