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Here are the steps to sort unorganized information in Excel using a customized color sorting method:

  1. Open your Excel spreadsheet containing the unorganized information that you want to sort.
  2. Highlight the column that contains the information you want to sort.
  3. Click the "Sort & Filter" button in the "Editing" section of the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the drop-down menu that appears, select "Sort Smallest to Largest" or "Sort Largest to Smallest" depending on how you want to sort the data.
  5. Click the "Options" button in the "Sort" dialog box that appears.
  6. In the "Sort Options" section, select "Sort left to right" if your data is organized horizontally, or "Sort top to bottom" if your data is organized vertically.
  7. In the "Sort by" section, select "Cell Color" from the first drop-down menu.
  8. In the second drop-down menu, select the custom color that you want to sort by.
  9. Click the "OK" button to close the "Sort Options" dialog box.
  10. Click the "OK" button in the "Sort Warning" dialog box to apply your custom color sorting method.
  11. Your data will now be sorted according to your selected color.