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Yes, it is possible to evaluate vscode regex sub matches using a replace function with a callback. In the callback function, you can perform operations on the submatches and then return the modified string. Here is an example:

let regex = /(\d+)-(\d+)/g;
let text = '1-10, 25-30, 50-60';

function replaceCallback(match, group1, group2) {
  let start = parseInt(group1);
  let end = parseInt(group2);
  let range = end - start + 1;
  return `${start}-${end} (${range})`;

let result = text.replace(regex, replaceCallback);
console.log(result); // output: '1-10 (10), 25-30 (6), 50-60 (11)'

In this example, the regex /(\d+)-(\d+)/g matches all substrings that start and end with digits separated by a hyphen. The replace method is called on the text string with a callback function replaceCallback. The callback function takes the matched substring (match) and the submatches (group1 and group2) as arguments. In the callback function, the submatches are converted to integers and their difference is calculated to obtain the range. Finally, the modified string with the range is returned and replaces the original substring.