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To display a date range of 24 months using a date picker calendar, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the date picker calendar on your web page or mobile app.
  2. Set the minimum date to the current date and the maximum date to two years from the current date.
  3. When a user selects a start date, set the minimum date of the end date picker to the selected start date.
  4. When a user selects an end date, set the maximum date of the start date picker to the selected end date.
  5. Allow the user to select a start and end date within the 24-month range.

Alternatively, you can provide two separate date picker calendars, one for the start date and one for the end date, and limit the selectable dates based on the current date and the 24-month range. This will allow the user to select the date range more easily.