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Asynchronous streaming of data can be achieved in a node.js pipeline using the following methods:

  1. Using streams: Node.js has a built-in mechanism for working with streams that enables the asynchronous streaming of data. This method involves breaking the data down into small chunks and passing each chunk through a stream. Once a chunk is processed, the next one is passed through the stream. This method is highly efficient, as it avoids the need to load large files into memory.

  2. Using callbacks: Another method for implementing asynchronous streaming of data is by using callbacks. With this method, you can pass a callback function as a parameter to a function that performs some task. The callback function is then called once the task is complete, and the data is returned in the callback function.

  3. Using Promises: Promises are a way to handle asynchronous operations in a more readable and manageable way. This method involves creating a Promise object that represents the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation. The Promise object can be used to achieve the asynchronous streaming of data by chaining multiple Promises together.

Overall, there are many ways to achieve asynchronous streaming of data in a node.js pipeline, depending on the specific requirements of the application.